Assalamualaikum. How's your day? Ececece... Sape yang end up kat sini mesti dok buat research pasal Asasi kan? I know.... Sis pon pernah rase semua ni. Hampir semua(cewahh) sis scroll dulu. Dari PASUM, PUSPA, Asasi DENGKIL.. Haih macam2 lah. Ok. first intro dulu... Nama diberi Leea and batch PASUM 18/19. Ha.. sis baru je tinggalkan PASUM 4 hari lepas. Rindu? Teramat rindu weyhh... The one taught me pain, the one who taught me how to be an independent person, the one who taught me love(bukan couple eh.. Harap maklum), the one who taught me the world. Yelah... sape2 yang dok dulu cakap nak cepat2 habis SPM and habis sekolah... korang tunggulah betapa rindunya kat sekolah dulu. Same mcm sis... Dulu.. Ya Allah.. cepat2 lah habis PASUM.. X larat woo... After that.. hmm.. rinduuuuuu.
Kenapa buat blog pasal PASUM?
Sis faham korang still dilemma kan? PASUM ke? Asasi DENGKIL?. Tak terniat apa2 di hati ini nak mengaibkan mana pihak pon. I just want you to make the right choice, Jangan salah pilih ye dik. Nanti menangis tak berlagu. One more... I want my future juniors know a little bit about PASUM.. So, they can be prepared. Bukan nye masuk2 x tau ape... Bak kata Abraham Lincoln," Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
PASUM? Apa itu?
First of all, kite intro dulu PASUM ni.Alah.. macam essay.. kene intro@pendahuluan. mana boleh terjah macam itu je. Kalau perasan kenapa sis tulis PASUM bukan pasum, Well, PASUM stands for Pusat Asasi Sains Universiti Malaya atau in english, University of Malaya Centre for Foundation Studies in Science bertempat di University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Antara salah satu Asasi terbuka di Malaysia. Asasi Terbuka . Asasi terbuka means abis je foudation studies. Korang boleh apply mana2 uni dalam UPU for further your degree studies. Asasi tertutup pula means after your finish your foundation study, you MUST further your studies in THAT UNI. Ha... yang ni ramai x tau.Main bedal isi.. akhirnya merana diri sendiri.
Kenapa buat blog pasal PASUM?
Sis faham korang still dilemma kan? PASUM ke? Asasi DENGKIL?. Tak terniat apa2 di hati ini nak mengaibkan mana pihak pon. I just want you to make the right choice, Jangan salah pilih ye dik. Nanti menangis tak berlagu. One more... I want my future juniors know a little bit about PASUM.. So, they can be prepared. Bukan nye masuk2 x tau ape... Bak kata Abraham Lincoln," Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
PASUM? Apa itu?
First of all, kite intro dulu PASUM ni.Alah.. macam essay.. kene intro@pendahuluan. mana boleh terjah macam itu je. Kalau perasan kenapa sis tulis PASUM bukan pasum, Well, PASUM stands for Pusat Asasi Sains Universiti Malaya atau in english, University of Malaya Centre for Foundation Studies in Science bertempat di University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Antara salah satu Asasi terbuka di Malaysia. Asasi Terbuka . Asasi terbuka means abis je foudation studies. Korang boleh apply mana2 uni dalam UPU for further your degree studies. Asasi tertutup pula means after your finish your foundation study, you MUST further your studies in THAT UNI. Ha... yang ni ramai x tau.Main bedal isi.. akhirnya merana diri sendiri.
Lawa kan? Ofc lah... Btw, I think this is the end of my very first blog. Stay tuned.
P/s: Sorry.. for bakal batch PASUM 19/20 or batch SPM2018.. sis lambat upload blog nih..
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